Above: A member of IFC reads the new proposal to amend the current scholarship section of the IFC constitution.
IFC Member and Scholars Update
At the IFC Congress meeting this past week a new amendment to the the IFC constitution was presented by IFC executive council on behalf of the Vice President of Member Education. This amendment would place greater emphasis on fraternities to focus on grades and scholastic pursuits.
More specifically this new proposition states that any member fraternity that does not maintain at least a chapter semester GPA of 2.5 shall be placed under scholastic probation. This probation would include a revocation of voting rights for the semester following the grade violation and any other stipulations or sanctions as determined by the Interfraternal Judicial Board.
Additionally, this amendment would require chapters would failed to meet a chapter semester GPA of 2.75 to have its scholarship chairman meet with the IFC Vice President of Member Education to discuss reformation of the chapter's scholarship program.
"Statistically guys in fraternities do better in their GPAs than guys who aren't in a house. So we're trying to maintain that," said Yuwei Le, Vice President of Member Education.
The IFC constitution may be amended at the next IFC Congress meeting by a two-thirds majority vote of all member fraternities in good standing.
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